Eggs Klachefsky – A Breakfast Meal with Lamb & Stuff

There’s probably a story here. But I’m not going to tell it, mainly, because I either a) can’t remember or b) what I remember is completely wrong. So here’s everything you need to know about Eggs Klachefsky. It’s really pretty simple.

Start with the finest ingredients. That, of course, means leftovers. In this case, you want to have some kind of leftover lamb meal, preferably a stew or something that includes lamb, onions, red peppers, maybe once-fresh (not canned) tomatoes and a little heat from red chili pepper flakes.

Dice the lamb leftovers. This is not a lumpy meal where chewing is involved. Reheat slowly in a stick free skillet.

While that’s heating, crack a couple eggs, add a little milk and mix that up. If you’ve got the right lamb leftovers, you probably don’t need to add salt or pepper. Eggs, milk, whip it up.

Pour the eggs over the lamb. Stir. This is not an omelette. More like scrambled eggs.

When done, plate the mess and top with a dollop of sour cream. Lick sour cream spoon.


As best I can recall, Eggs Klachefsky has its origins in the early 1970’s in Detroit. Or maybe it was Ann Arbor. I think I was at my friend Eric Lipson’s uncle Mel Barclay’s house. We were making breakfast. And we made this. I have no idea if Michael Klachefsky was present, provided the idea or was involved in this in any way. He doesn’t either. But somehow this concoction inherited his name. He is not responsible. Well, maybe he’s responsible, but not for this meal. And, apparently, I was the only one who remembered it and thought it was worth repeating. So for the past five decades when I have the ingredients on hand and the spirit moves me, it’s Eggs Klachefsky.

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